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Ok guys, Its been way too long since my last blog, but I thank you for faithfully checking up on me and visiting the site. I've added yet another widget for your posting pleasure and I kinda like creating them for you guys. The latest widget grabs information about DVD releases and brings it to your desktops or myspace pages or wherever ya wanna put it and updates every Monday so you never miss that favorite movie you were planning to buy on its Tuesday release. I hope you like it, so far Ive been getting great feedback and I welcome more from you all. Also, if any one has suggestions on new widget ideas or even improvements on what Ive done so far, its all welcome and its all good. So thanks again.

You can get the widget here Jump!


N.E.R.D. - Provider

This is the hottest song ever, and maybe the most underated. I know its old as hell but hey! this is my blog and i can put whatever the hell I like! lol

With that said, I dont know if many of you knew that the first N.E.R.D album wasnt origianally recorded with a band but was all created by the Neptunes and had a strong Neptune sound, (that shit was hot as fuck too BTW) but Pharell was un happy with the product saying it sounded to much like what they were doing at the time and basically remixed all the music, removing the calssic Neptune sounds, and adding live musicians. Jump!


Trailers Widget

I guess alot of you are wondering what happened to me?? I haven't updated in a while because Ive been busy working. My latest accomplishment is the creation of widgets.

What is a widget you ask?

Well, the short answer is, a widget brings all the things you love on the Internet right to your desktop. For example, I love movies... actually I think I love the movie trailers better than the actual movie most times lol, so I created a widget that will play all the latest movie trailers right on my desktop (or web page, or favorite social networking site "I'm still working on myspace now, but hopefully coming soon")

Here's the actual widget I'm talking about, you can grab it by clicking "get & share button" :)



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