Hey World

OK guys, it looks like this little site of mine is generated a little interest from the masses and it makes me smile inside to know my work is appreciated :) I still have a ways to go but I hope you all come back and check on my growth..

Also, Id love it if you all give me some feedback on what you like, what you want to see, and things that interest you in a website so I can make pickurstyle the best it can be. I have met so many new interesting people and hope to meet more.

email me: pickurstyle@gmail.com
add me: www.myspace.com/pickurstyle

I hope to hear from ya soon! :)

Ayiana Jump!


The Secret is Out?!

Ok, as those of you know that are reading this, this is my new site, I have contacted some of you personally and some of you have either stumbled upon my little space on the web or have or have been pointed this way by the good folks at google. The thing is... you guys have jumped the gun, so to speak... I know I couldnt keep my URL a secret forever but the thing is...my site is still under construction in some areas and I need you guys to be patient with me but keep checking back in the meant time because I am hard at work uploading content everyday! Hopefully youll bookmark me and look to me for the myspace re-up. Anyways, sorry for the incomplete areas and thanks for stopping by.... Jump!


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